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Through a "Life Celebration" that presents the unique life story
and manifests the personality of the deceased,
family members and friends have the opportunity to
positively acknowledge and pay tribute to their loved one.

Through a "Life Celebration" that presents the unique life story
and manifests the personality of the deceased,
family members and friends have the opportunity to
positively acknowledge and pay tribute to their loved one.

Dr. Fan Ning
Dr. Fan Ning

Having practiced medicine for years, I have witnessed numerous patients passing away and attended many funerals of different scale. I felt deeply the pains of the bereaved who were often at a loss and unsure how to react. Exhausted family members labour to manage their loved one’s funeral arrangements. Yet regrettably, most funerals tend to be lifeless and cold, offering little comfort to relatives and friends who have limited understanding of the deeper meaning of the funeral rituals. All these experiences bring me deep reflection on funerals.


(中文) 失去最愛的人,就像失去整個世界。喪親的悲痛和絕望,我經歷過,也走過了。爸爸和兒子在我年輕時先後離世,他們留給我的,除了無盡的思念,還有滿滿的愛,推動我繼續追尋人生的意義。我懷著他們賜予的力量,加入了毋忘愛,以過來人的經驗和同理心,幫助和陪伴逝者家屬面對生死,同步走過哀傷的幽谷。

(中文) 生命頌禮司
(中文) 蔡詠賢
(中文) 生命頌禮司
(中文) 蔡詠賢

(中文) 從喪親到投身殯儀業 我願與逝者家屬同度難關 。 我曾經被喪親之痛吞噬,記得與丈夫新婚不足一年,他就因久咳不止入院,醫生診斷他患上罕見癌症。 雖然其後丈夫的手術成功,但其他器官抵受不住癌細胞侵襲及擴散,最終離我們而去。由入院至訣別,僅短短兩星期。那時候我因丈夫猝逝,一度迷失及抑鬱,但憑著丈夫及家人給我的愛,重新振作。廿年過去,我帶著已癒合的傷痕,投身殯儀行業,成為喪親家屬的同行者。生死有命,哀傷有時。。